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  Who we are   Corporate culture   The president   CSR   Chart         
Who we are
The Tarancón Group is a family business established in 1985 with a particular interest in innovation.
This innovative spirit is reflected in our projects, the services we provide to our clients and how we organize our work.
We follow our own business model, in which we firmly believe. A business model that is respectful, supportive, committed and responsible. In every project we identify who is our customer, what are their necessities and values and design a made-to-measure product.
We develop and promote projects, we are not solely investors, rather, we have our own ideas about products and services and we risk our money in their development. Once we have added value to a project, we sell it or we exploit it.
Our territorial expansion takes place within national territory where we wish to contribute to the generation of wealth by being members of the country. At the moment, studies are being carried out for development projects in other countries where our know-how would generate well-being and development.
Legal warning      Privacy policy contact JM & TARANCÓN GRUPO TARANCON. - share capital 6,000,000 € Orihuela – Alicante - España